Monday, April 19, 2010

Bull Trout Fishing: Slow

Well, Taylor and I made it out of the hole we walked into after Bull Trout last week. I have been a little bit busy, so I am late with this posting I know. The weather was nearly ideal with day time temps in the 60's and 70's F with little wind and not to cold of night time temperatures. Even with ideal weather, fishing did not turn out to be as expected. In the two half days we fished, Taylor landed one really nice Bull Trout that was over 26" and I landed two, one that was about 20" and another about 16". They were all caught on streamers with sink tip lines.

The reason behind the slowness could be due to several different factors. First, I atleast a month earlier this year than when I usually go. The winter was different this year though so the water levels were about right. I don't know, maybe it is more of a timing thing then a water flow thing.

Anyway, we did catch a few fish and had a great time in the wilderness where we did not see another person in two days. Can't complain too much. Might have to make a second trip in there in another month just to see if the timing was bad. The picture is of the Bull Trout Taylor caught.

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